Annual Meetings

HMIS Annual Meetings

The HMIS Governing Board hosts an Annual Meeting every year to inform HMIS stakeholders about the Governing Board, what has happened over the past year, and what is coming in the year ahead.

2024 HMIS Annual Meeting

The 2024 Annual Meeting will be held on Monday, December 9 (9:30am-11:30am). It will be a chance hear about the work of the Governing Board, committees, ICA, and other partners in HMIS in 2024. Please check back here for more information soon!

2023 HMIS Annual Meeting

The 2023 HMIS Annual Meeting was held on Thursday, December 14th (10:00 AM-12:00 PM). Thank you all our board members, committee chairs, and everyone within the community who was able to join us! Below you will find the various meeting materials including a link to the full recording.

2022 HMIS Annual Meeting

The 2022 HMIS Annual Meeting was held on Monday, November 14th. You can watch a recording of the meeting here and view meeting materials below.

2022 Annual Meeting Materials

2022 Annual Meeting News

2021 HMIS Annual Meeting

The 2021 HMIS Annual Meeting was held on Monday, October 18th. You can watch a recording of the meeting here and view meeting materials below.

2021 Annual Meeting Materials

2021 Annual Meeting News

2020 HMIS Annual Meeting

The HMIS Governing Board hosted the 2020 Annual Meeting on October 19th, 2020. You can watch a recording of the meeting here and view meeting materials below.


2017 HMIS Annual Meeting

The HMIS Governing Board hosted its inaugural Annual Meeting on October 9, 2017 at DHS and by webinar.  The meeting agenda and related documents may be found below. The recording for this meeting can be found here.