Do Your Reports Seem Stuck? Action Required For All Users Who Schedule Recurring Reports in ART
On Monday, ICA released a restructure of our entire ART gallery (see article here).What you may not know is if you have reports that you rely on and run them on a recurring basis, you have an action to take! Your folder path is now, essentially, broken.If you’ve noticed reports are taking longer than usual to schedule, or are stuck in “pending” status, this is likely why.All HMIS users who have recurring scheduled reports need to take the following steps to ensure we don’t have reports stuck in queue across the system:
Cancel all recurring scheduled reports.
Select each scheduled report by clicking the red button:
Confirm you want to delete:
Instructions for clearing scheduled ART reports
2. Use the REPORTcollection to find your new report location.
3. Reschedule them from the new, updated location.
3. While you're at it, go ahead and delete all the reports in your ART inbox (this, too, will speed up the system).
4. Reach out to our Helpdesk if you need additional assistance!
The faster you're able to complete these items, the faster our reports will run!
But I have hundreds of reports in my inbox!
No worries, just let the Helpdesk know and we will have Mediware clear them out for you.Thanks for your quick attention to this matter as we head into our next busy reporting season.