Housing Support (GRH) Providers: Reporting Reminder

Quarterly reporting for Housing Support providers is now in full swing! Consider this your reminder to make sure your data from October 1 – December 31, 2021 is entered into HMIS and updated accordingly. Quarter 2 reports will be sent to DHS on February 7, so be sure to get your data entered and cleaned up ASAP!

DHS Housing Support Quarterly Reporting Schedule:

  • Quarter 1: July 1 to September 30    

    • 1st Week of November: Reports sent to DHS 

  • Quarter 2: October 1 to December 31    

    • 1st Week of February: Reports sent to DHS 

  • Quarter 3: January 1 to March 31 

    • 1st Week of May: Reports sent to DHS 

  • Quarter 4: April 1 to June 30 

    • 1st Week of August: Reports sent to DHS  

For information on the reporting dates and deadlines, please see our schedule here. For data entry or reporting questions, please contact the Helpdesk at