MN HMIS Site Appearance Upgrade: Going Live on 8/22/23

WellSky, our current MN HMIS software vendor, has announced that Community Services (formerly known as ServicePoint) will soon get a version upgrade that will alter the site’s appearance and elements of the user interface. This means that familiar components like the login page, client records, icons, menus, and assessments will soon have a new look and feel.

This site upgrade is scheduled to be applied to the HMIS live and training sites on Tuesday, August 22nd, beginning at 5:00am CDT.

ICA anticipates this update process will take no more than one hour, but the live and training sites may be affected for up to two hours. Both the live and training sites will be down and unavailable during the upgrade process.


See below for a preview of how the coming changes will impact the look and feel of Community Services. A downloadable PDF of this information can be accessed by clicking here.

MN HMIS Name and Login page - A new color scheme, and the final transition to the new name for Minnesota’s HMIS, “Community Services”.


Navigation Menu & Module Names - ClientPoint is now just “Clients,” ShelterPoint, is now just “Shelters,” etc.


End User License Agreement (EULA) - The first time you login to HMIS after the upgrade, the site will ask you to accept an updated End User License Agreement. You will only need to do this once and won’t be asked again.


Back Date Mode header color:


Tables & Sub-assessments appearance:


Icon appearance throughout the site:


Please don’t hesitate to reach out to the MN Helpdesk if you have any questions about these changes!

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