Workgroups and Organizations

As we all build our familiarity with ClientTrack, ICA’s Helpdesk is taking note of topics that are cropping up regularly. One such topic is the combination of workgroup and organization settings assigned to user accounts, whose unfamiliar purpose is understandably causing users to question whether they have the proper system access.

Information on how workgroup and organization assignments impact the ClientTrack user experience has been provided below. As always, if you have any questions or concerns about how your HMIS account has been set up, reach out to our Helpdesk.


User accounts can be assigned access to one or more workgroups. The workgroup a user has selected governs what workspaces are accessible, what menu options are available in each workspace, and what forms are presented to a user.

Workspaces include locations like “Clients”, “Coordinated Entry”, and “Facilities”

Menu Options include actions like “Find Client” and folders like “Enrollment and Services”

Forms include screens like “Profile”, “Current Living Situation”, and “CE Events”

In Minnesota’s HMIS, our custom workgroups have been designed to minimize the number of groups users need to juggle. The most basic workgroup, “HMIS Users”, has access to all core system functionality; from there, groups like “Coordinated Entry Assessors” and “Emergency Shelter Staff” possess the additional capabilities needed to perform certain tasks in ClientTrack.

Most users of Minnesota's HMIS will have a single workgroup assignment. There are five primary groups, four of which are based on the core "HMIS Users" group.



Users can be assigned access to one or more organizations. The organization a user has selected determines the programs for which they can create new transactions - such as enrollments and services - and which programs' restricted transactional data they can view.

Common Questions

Do I need access to the “HMIS Users” workgroup?

Workgroup access was assigned to users based on the functionality they had access to in Community Services. For example, if you used the ShelterPoint module to check clients into shelter beds, you were assigned the “Emergency Shelter Staff” workgroup; Coordinated Entry assessors were assigned the group created to support that role.

If you are finding that you have a greater level of access than you need in ClientTrack, a system administrator can adjust your workgroup settings. However, it is important to note that you would not be assigned multiple workgroups, but instead would have your existing group replaced with “HMIS Users” or the appropriate alternative.

Why can’t I create an enrollment for my program?

There are two common solutions for this problem:

  1. First, if you have access to multiple organizations, make sure you have the correct one selected.

  2. If you know your organization is correct, there may be a program setup issue preventing enrollments from being created. Drop us a line and we’ll look into it!

Scott McGillicuddy